Why does it seem we are we so eager to start a New Year right after Halloween? Doesn’t time move fast enough already? We move through our years hoping each one is better than the last, but the fact is not all of them will be. Most of them are just us, moving through
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Years ago, when my children were small, I had this wonderful, funny friend named Sherry. She was one of the funniest humans on the planet, a fantastic cook and an even better baker. We were young mothers, raising our kids and doing our mom thing together. One of the special things about her was how
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When I began this journey almost ten years ago, I wrote a blog that was beginning to gain a following but, there was trouble from the beginning. First, I didn’t understand how it all worked. Second, most of my followers were friends and acquaintances with just a few exceptions. And third, I was going through
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I just had a birthday. I don’t like the number but it struck me this morning how blessed I am to be healthy and still feel, 35-40ish. For real. I’ve struggled to lose about ten pounds for like, my whole life. When I was 31, I weighed 132 lbs. and thought I should be around
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What I Know It’s hard to know where to start when my only qualifications to speak on middle age and its implications, are actually being middle-aged. Working up my demographics to speak to the topics I touch on, one hopes to reach the top side of the age demographic as well as those who are
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